Boca Raton Square is a community located in Palm Beach County, Florida.
The beautiful community of Boca Raton Square features single family homes with different floor plans. The homes feature upgrades such as, gourmet kitchens, top-of-the-line appliances, granite countertops, oversized tubs, hardwood floors, and large closets.
Boca Raton Square is only a few minutes from downtown Boca Raton, top-notch schools, shopping, dining, entertainment, outdoor recreation, and more. If you are looking for a peaceful place to call home, Boca Raton Square is the perfect place for you.
The median home value in the area is $330,200. The home value rate has risen by 4.6% in the last year. The median price per square foot is $212 and this is higher than Boca Raton’s median of $177.
If you are interested in purchasing a home in Boca Raton Square, contact us today for more information.
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