Versailles is a community located in Wellington, Florida.
The beautiful community of Versailles is an elegant guard-gated community that is situated in Wellington. The community is upscale and offers residents a multi-million dollar entryway with its beautiful landscaping and palm tree lined streets. The homes in the community have a European style and are estate sized. The community is only a few minutes from the Wellington Mall, where residents can shop, dine, and have a good time. It’s also only 20 minutes from downtown West Palm Beach and the island of Palm Beach, while the Palm Beach International Airport is only 20 minutes away.
The median home value in the area is $400,900. The home value rate has risen by 3.9% in the last year. The median price per square foot is $147 and this is higher than Boynton Beach’s median of $131.
If you are interested in purchasing a home in Versailles, contact us today for more information.
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