Lake Ida is a community located in Delray Beach, Florida.
The beautiful community of Lake Ida is an amazing place to raise a family and enjoy the beautiful sunny weather in Florida. The community features single family homes and condominiums, with most of them having gorgeous views of the water. Lake Ida is pedestrian-friendly and it’s within walking distance of restaurants, beaches, fishing, and parks. There are also many areas for residents to enjoy shopping within minutes of the community. The lifestyle that residents receive is truly coveted and it’s no wonder that many people choose to settle down in the beautiful Lake Ida!
The median home value in the area is $168,500. The home value rate has risen by 13.4% in the last year and it’s predicted to rise by another 2.1% in the coming year. The median price per square foot is $223 and this is higher than Delray Beach’s median of $142.
If you are interested in purchasing a home in Lake Ida, contact us today for more information.
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