Royal Oak Hills is a community located in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Royal Oak Hills is a gorgeous residential community that features many single family homes. Most of the homes in the community have luxury upgrades, such as gourmet kitchens, granite countertops, custom cabinetry, hardwood flooring, stainless steel appliances, private swimming pools, crown molding, and water access through canals that lead to the ocean. The community is within close proximity to outdoor recreation, shopping, dining, entertainment, top-notch schools, and more. The community is perfect for families who are looking for a quiet place to raise their children.
The median home value in the area is $330,200. The home value rate has risen by 4.6% in the last year. The median price per square foot is $212 and this is higher than Boca Raton’s median of $177.
If you are interested in purchasing a home in Royal Oak Hills, contact us today for more information.
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