Fox Ridge is a community located in Parkland, Florida.
The beautiful community of Fox Ridge is family friendly and offers beautiful single family homes in one of the most desirable cities in Florida. The community is gated and staffed by guards at all hours. The homes in the community boast a beautiful Mediterranean style that fits into the beautiful city perfectly. Amenities in the community include, two tennis courts and a playground area. Most homes have their own private pools and beautiful views of the lake. The homes range from 4-7 bedrooms with 2, 3, or 4 car garages. The city of Parkland offers everything you could ever want in a city. You will find many areas to shop, dine, be entertained, or enjoy outdoor recreation. Take a look at the beautiful homes that we have available today!
The median home value in the area is $436,800. The home value rate has risen by 7.1% in the last year. The median price per square foot is $176.
If you are interested in purchasing a home in Fox Ridge, contact us today for more information.
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